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Contexts for WISP.

Source code in wisp/
class ContextManager:
    """Contexts for WISP."""

    # pylint: disable-next=too-many-statements
    def __init__(
        self, yaml_paths: str | Iterable[str] | None = None, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]
    ) -> None:
            yaml_paths: Path(s) to YAML file(s) to load into the context.
        # Default values in alphabetical order.
        self.source_residues: Iterable[str] = []
        """This parameter specifies the source residues for path generation.
        A list of residues should be constructed of the form 'CHAIN_RESNAME_RESID',
        separated by spaces. For example: 'X_SER_1 X_LEU_4'.
        self.sink_residues: Iterable[str] = []
        """This parameter specifies the sink residues for path generation.
        The format is the same as for the source_residues parameter.
        self.n_paths: int = 1
        """The desired number of paths."""
        self.output_dir: str = f'wisp_output__{time.strftime("%b_%d_%Y__%I_%M_%p")}'
        """A new directory where the WISP output should be written. If this parameter
        is not specified, a default output directory is created whose name includes
        the current date for future reference."""
        self.n_cores: int = 1
        """On unix-like machines, WISP can use multiple processors to significantly
        increase speed. This parameter specifies the number of processors to use."""
        self.n_paths_max: int = 100000
        """Terminate calculation if the number of estimated paths is greater than
        self.frame_chunks: int = 96
        """When WISP is run with multiple processors, the frames from the PDB are
        loaded in chunks before being distributed to the many processors. This
        parameter specifies the number of frames to load before distribution."""
        self.node_definition: str = "RESIDUE_COM"
        """WISP calculates the covariance matrix by defining nodes associated with
        each protein residue. If node_definition is set to 'CA', the alpha carbon
        will be used. If set to 'RESIDUE_COM,', 'SIDECHAIN_COM,', or 'BACKBONE_COM,'
        the whole-residue, side-chain, or backbone center of mass will be used,
        self.contact_map_distance_limit: float = 4.5
        """If you use WISP's default contact-map generator, node pairs with average
        inter-node distances greater than this value will not be considered in
        calculating the covariance matrix. Use a value of 999999.999 to deactivate."""
        self.seconds_to_wait_before_parallelizing_path_finding: float = 5.0
        """WISP identifies paths from the source to the sink by recursively visiting
        node neighbors. The program begins the recursion algorithm on a single processor
        before distributing the search efforts to multiple processors. This parameter
        specifies how long WISP should search for source-sink paths using a single
        processor before distributing the search effort over multiple processors.
        By waiting longer before distribution, the search efforts are ultimately
        distributed more evenly over the multiple processors, potentially increasing
        speed in the long run. On the other hand, specifiying a lower value for
        this parameter means the program will spend more time running on multiple
        processors, also potentially increasing speed. A balance must be struck."""
        self.wisp_saved_matrix_path: str | None = None
        """If the covariance matrix (appropriately modified by a contact map) has been
        previously saved to a file, set this parameter to 'TRUE' to load the matrix
        instead of generating it from scratch. WISP automatically saves a copy of this
        matrix to the file 'functionalized_matrix_with_contact_map_applied.pickle'
        in the output directory every time it is run."""
        self.contact_map_path: str | None = None
        """A text file containing a user-specified contact map. If given, each element
        of the functionalized matrix will be multiplied by the corresponding value
        specified in the file. If not given, WISP's default contact map, based on the
        distances between average node locations, will be automatically applied. For
        convenience, WISP automatically saves a human-readable copy of the contact-map
        matrix to the file contact_map_matrix.txt in the output directory every time
        it is run."""
        self.functionalized_matrix_path: str | None = None
        """A text file containing a user-specified functionalized correlation matrix.
        If not given, WISP's default functionalized correlation matrix, as described
        in the WISP publication, will be automatically calculated. For convenience,
        WISP automatically saves a human-readable copy of the matrix used to the file
        functionalized_correlation_matrix.txt in the output directory every time
        it is run."""
        self.pdb_single_frame_path: str | None = None
        """By default, WISP uses the trajectory-average structure for positioning the
        nodes, visualizing the paths and protein, etc. However, if desired, a separate
        PDB structure with the same residue order and number can be specified for this
        purpose using the pdb_single_frame_path parameter."""
        self.write_formatted_paths: bool = False
        """Write a text file containing a simply formatted list of paths.
        self.shortest_path_radius: float = 0.1
        """WISP outputs a VMD state file to facilitate visualization. The shortest path
        is represented by a strand with the largest radius. Longer paths have
        progressively smaller radii. This parameter specifies the radius of the
        shortest path, in Angstroms."""
        self.longest_path_radius: float = 0.01
        """This parameter specifies the radius of the longest path visualized,
        in Angstroms."""
        self.spline_smoothness: float = 0.01
        """The paths are represented by splines connecting the nodes. This parameter
        indicates the smoothness of the splines. Smaller values produce smoother
        splines, but take longer to render."""
        self.vmd_resolution: int = 6
        """When visualizing in VMD, a number of cylinders and spheres are drawn.
        This parameter specifies the resolution to use."""
        self.node_sphere_radius: float = 1.0
        """When visualizing in VMD, a number of cylinders and spheres are drawn.
        This parameter specifies the resolution to use."""
        self.shortest_path_r: float = 0.0
        """The color of the shortest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
        specifies the R value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
        self.shortest_path_g: float = 0.0
        """The color of the shortest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
        specifies the G value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
        self.shortest_path_b: float = 0.0
        """The color of the shortest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
        specifies the B value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
        self.longest_path_r: float = 0.0
        """The color of the longest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
        specifies the R value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
        self.longest_path_g: float = 0.0
        """The color of the longest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
        specifies the G value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
        self.longest_path_b: float = 0.0
        """The color of the longest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
        specifies the B value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
        self.node_sphere_r: float = 0.0
        """The color of the node spheres is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
        specifies the R value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
        self.node_sphere_g: float = 0.0
        """The color of the node spheres is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
        specifies the G value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
        self.node_sphere_b: float = 0.0
        """The color of the node spheres is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
        specifies the B value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
        self.longest_path_opacity: float = 1.0
        """The opacity of the longest path, ranging from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0
        (fully opaque)."""
        self.shortest_path_opacity: float = 1.0
        """The opacity of the shortest path, ranging from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0
        (fully opaque)."""
        self.node_sphere_opacity: float = 1.0
        """The opacity of the node spheres, ranging from 0.0 (transparent) to
        1.0 (fully opaque)."""

        if isinstance(yaml_paths, str):
            yaml_paths = [yaml_paths]
        if yaml_paths is not None:
            for yaml_path in yaml_paths:

    def from_yaml(self, yaml_path: str | None) -> None:
        """Load context information from a YAML file. This will only update data
        contained in the YAML file.

            yaml_path: Path to YAML file to load.
        if yaml_path is not None:
  "Loading YAML context from {}", yaml_path)
            yaml = YAML(typ="safe")
            with open(yaml_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
                yaml_data = yaml.load(f)
            logger.debug("YAML data:\n{}", yaml_data)
        self.yaml_path = yaml_path

    def update(self, attr_dict: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Update attributes with values from the provided dictionary.

            attr_dict: Dictionary containing attribute names and their
            corresponding values.
        logger.debug("Updating context:\n{}", attr_dict)
        for key, value in attr_dict.items():
            setattr(self, key, value)
        return self.get()

    def get(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Retrieve the context.

            A dictionary representing the current context.
        # The following line filters methods and attributes like __dict__.
        context = {
            k: v for k, v in vars(self).items() if not callable(v) and "__" not in k
        logger.debug("Retrieved context:\n{}", context)
        return context

    def __enter__(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Enter the context and return the current context as a dictionary."""
        return self.get()

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
        """Exit the context.

            exc_type: Type of the exception.
            exc_value: Value of the exception.
            exc_tb: Traceback information.

contact_map_distance_limit: float = 4.5 instance-attribute

If you use WISP's default contact-map generator, node pairs with average inter-node distances greater than this value will not be considered in calculating the covariance matrix. Use a value of 999999.999 to deactivate.

contact_map_path: str | None = None instance-attribute

A text file containing a user-specified contact map. If given, each element of the functionalized matrix will be multiplied by the corresponding value specified in the file. If not given, WISP's default contact map, based on the distances between average node locations, will be automatically applied. For convenience, WISP automatically saves a human-readable copy of the contact-map matrix to the file contact_map_matrix.txt in the output directory every time it is run.

frame_chunks: int = 96 instance-attribute

When WISP is run with multiple processors, the frames from the PDB are loaded in chunks before being distributed to the many processors. This parameter specifies the number of frames to load before distribution.

functionalized_matrix_path: str | None = None instance-attribute

A text file containing a user-specified functionalized correlation matrix. If not given, WISP's default functionalized correlation matrix, as described in the WISP publication, will be automatically calculated. For convenience, WISP automatically saves a human-readable copy of the matrix used to the file functionalized_correlation_matrix.txt in the output directory every time it is run.

longest_path_b: float = 0.0 instance-attribute

The color of the longest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter specifies the B value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

longest_path_g: float = 0.0 instance-attribute

The color of the longest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter specifies the G value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

longest_path_opacity: float = 1.0 instance-attribute

The opacity of the longest path, ranging from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).

longest_path_r: float = 0.0 instance-attribute

The color of the longest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter specifies the R value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

longest_path_radius: float = 0.01 instance-attribute

This parameter specifies the radius of the longest path visualized, in Angstroms.

n_cores: int = 1 instance-attribute

On unix-like machines, WISP can use multiple processors to significantly increase speed. This parameter specifies the number of processors to use.

n_paths: int = 1 instance-attribute

The desired number of paths.

n_paths_max: int = 100000 instance-attribute

Terminate calculation if the number of estimated paths is greater than this.

node_definition: str = 'RESIDUE_COM' instance-attribute

WISP calculates the covariance matrix by defining nodes associated with each protein residue. If node_definition is set to 'CA', the alpha carbon will be used. If set to 'RESIDUE_COM,', 'SIDECHAIN_COM,', or 'BACKBONE_COM,' the whole-residue, side-chain, or backbone center of mass will be used, respectively.

node_sphere_b: float = 0.0 instance-attribute

The color of the node spheres is given by an RGB color code. This parameter specifies the B value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

node_sphere_g: float = 0.0 instance-attribute

The color of the node spheres is given by an RGB color code. This parameter specifies the G value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

node_sphere_opacity: float = 1.0 instance-attribute

The opacity of the node spheres, ranging from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).

node_sphere_r: float = 0.0 instance-attribute

The color of the node spheres is given by an RGB color code. This parameter specifies the R value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

node_sphere_radius: float = 1.0 instance-attribute

When visualizing in VMD, a number of cylinders and spheres are drawn. This parameter specifies the resolution to use.

output_dir: str = f'wisp_output__{time.strftime('%b_%d_%Y__%I_%M_%p')}' instance-attribute

A new directory where the WISP output should be written. If this parameter is not specified, a default output directory is created whose name includes the current date for future reference.

pdb_single_frame_path: str | None = None instance-attribute

By default, WISP uses the trajectory-average structure for positioning the nodes, visualizing the paths and protein, etc. However, if desired, a separate PDB structure with the same residue order and number can be specified for this purpose using the pdb_single_frame_path parameter.

seconds_to_wait_before_parallelizing_path_finding: float = 5.0 instance-attribute

WISP identifies paths from the source to the sink by recursively visiting node neighbors. The program begins the recursion algorithm on a single processor before distributing the search efforts to multiple processors. This parameter specifies how long WISP should search for source-sink paths using a single processor before distributing the search effort over multiple processors. By waiting longer before distribution, the search efforts are ultimately distributed more evenly over the multiple processors, potentially increasing speed in the long run. On the other hand, specifiying a lower value for this parameter means the program will spend more time running on multiple processors, also potentially increasing speed. A balance must be struck.

shortest_path_b: float = 0.0 instance-attribute

The color of the shortest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter specifies the B value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

shortest_path_g: float = 0.0 instance-attribute

The color of the shortest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter specifies the G value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

shortest_path_opacity: float = 1.0 instance-attribute

The opacity of the shortest path, ranging from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque).

shortest_path_r: float = 0.0 instance-attribute

The color of the shortest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter specifies the R value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.

shortest_path_radius: float = 0.1 instance-attribute

WISP outputs a VMD state file to facilitate visualization. The shortest path is represented by a strand with the largest radius. Longer paths have progressively smaller radii. This parameter specifies the radius of the shortest path, in Angstroms.

sink_residues: Iterable[str] = [] instance-attribute

This parameter specifies the sink residues for path generation. The format is the same as for the source_residues parameter.

source_residues: Iterable[str] = [] instance-attribute

This parameter specifies the source residues for path generation. A list of residues should be constructed of the form 'CHAIN_RESNAME_RESID', separated by spaces. For example: 'X_SER_1 X_LEU_4'.

spline_smoothness: float = 0.01 instance-attribute

The paths are represented by splines connecting the nodes. This parameter indicates the smoothness of the splines. Smaller values produce smoother splines, but take longer to render.

vmd_resolution: int = 6 instance-attribute

When visualizing in VMD, a number of cylinders and spheres are drawn. This parameter specifies the resolution to use.

wisp_saved_matrix_path: str | None = None instance-attribute

If the covariance matrix (appropriately modified by a contact map) has been previously saved to a file, set this parameter to 'TRUE' to load the matrix instead of generating it from scratch. WISP automatically saves a copy of this matrix to the file 'functionalized_matrix_with_contact_map_applied.pickle' in the output directory every time it is run.

write_formatted_paths: bool = False instance-attribute

Write a text file containing a simply formatted list of paths.


Enter the context and return the current context as a dictionary.

Source code in wisp/
def __enter__(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Enter the context and return the current context as a dictionary."""
    return self.get()

__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)

Exit the context.


Name Type Description Default

Type of the exception.


Value of the exception.


Traceback information.

Source code in wisp/
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):
    """Exit the context.

        exc_type: Type of the exception.
        exc_value: Value of the exception.
        exc_tb: Traceback information.

__init__(yaml_paths=None, **kwargs)


Name Type Description Default
yaml_paths str | Iterable[str] | None

Path(s) to YAML file(s) to load into the context.

Source code in wisp/
def __init__(
    self, yaml_paths: str | Iterable[str] | None = None, **kwargs: dict[str, Any]
) -> None:
        yaml_paths: Path(s) to YAML file(s) to load into the context.
    # Default values in alphabetical order.
    self.source_residues: Iterable[str] = []
    """This parameter specifies the source residues for path generation.
    A list of residues should be constructed of the form 'CHAIN_RESNAME_RESID',
    separated by spaces. For example: 'X_SER_1 X_LEU_4'.
    self.sink_residues: Iterable[str] = []
    """This parameter specifies the sink residues for path generation.
    The format is the same as for the source_residues parameter.
    self.n_paths: int = 1
    """The desired number of paths."""
    self.output_dir: str = f'wisp_output__{time.strftime("%b_%d_%Y__%I_%M_%p")}'
    """A new directory where the WISP output should be written. If this parameter
    is not specified, a default output directory is created whose name includes
    the current date for future reference."""
    self.n_cores: int = 1
    """On unix-like machines, WISP can use multiple processors to significantly
    increase speed. This parameter specifies the number of processors to use."""
    self.n_paths_max: int = 100000
    """Terminate calculation if the number of estimated paths is greater than
    self.frame_chunks: int = 96
    """When WISP is run with multiple processors, the frames from the PDB are
    loaded in chunks before being distributed to the many processors. This
    parameter specifies the number of frames to load before distribution."""
    self.node_definition: str = "RESIDUE_COM"
    """WISP calculates the covariance matrix by defining nodes associated with
    each protein residue. If node_definition is set to 'CA', the alpha carbon
    will be used. If set to 'RESIDUE_COM,', 'SIDECHAIN_COM,', or 'BACKBONE_COM,'
    the whole-residue, side-chain, or backbone center of mass will be used,
    self.contact_map_distance_limit: float = 4.5
    """If you use WISP's default contact-map generator, node pairs with average
    inter-node distances greater than this value will not be considered in
    calculating the covariance matrix. Use a value of 999999.999 to deactivate."""
    self.seconds_to_wait_before_parallelizing_path_finding: float = 5.0
    """WISP identifies paths from the source to the sink by recursively visiting
    node neighbors. The program begins the recursion algorithm on a single processor
    before distributing the search efforts to multiple processors. This parameter
    specifies how long WISP should search for source-sink paths using a single
    processor before distributing the search effort over multiple processors.
    By waiting longer before distribution, the search efforts are ultimately
    distributed more evenly over the multiple processors, potentially increasing
    speed in the long run. On the other hand, specifiying a lower value for
    this parameter means the program will spend more time running on multiple
    processors, also potentially increasing speed. A balance must be struck."""
    self.wisp_saved_matrix_path: str | None = None
    """If the covariance matrix (appropriately modified by a contact map) has been
    previously saved to a file, set this parameter to 'TRUE' to load the matrix
    instead of generating it from scratch. WISP automatically saves a copy of this
    matrix to the file 'functionalized_matrix_with_contact_map_applied.pickle'
    in the output directory every time it is run."""
    self.contact_map_path: str | None = None
    """A text file containing a user-specified contact map. If given, each element
    of the functionalized matrix will be multiplied by the corresponding value
    specified in the file. If not given, WISP's default contact map, based on the
    distances between average node locations, will be automatically applied. For
    convenience, WISP automatically saves a human-readable copy of the contact-map
    matrix to the file contact_map_matrix.txt in the output directory every time
    it is run."""
    self.functionalized_matrix_path: str | None = None
    """A text file containing a user-specified functionalized correlation matrix.
    If not given, WISP's default functionalized correlation matrix, as described
    in the WISP publication, will be automatically calculated. For convenience,
    WISP automatically saves a human-readable copy of the matrix used to the file
    functionalized_correlation_matrix.txt in the output directory every time
    it is run."""
    self.pdb_single_frame_path: str | None = None
    """By default, WISP uses the trajectory-average structure for positioning the
    nodes, visualizing the paths and protein, etc. However, if desired, a separate
    PDB structure with the same residue order and number can be specified for this
    purpose using the pdb_single_frame_path parameter."""
    self.write_formatted_paths: bool = False
    """Write a text file containing a simply formatted list of paths.
    self.shortest_path_radius: float = 0.1
    """WISP outputs a VMD state file to facilitate visualization. The shortest path
    is represented by a strand with the largest radius. Longer paths have
    progressively smaller radii. This parameter specifies the radius of the
    shortest path, in Angstroms."""
    self.longest_path_radius: float = 0.01
    """This parameter specifies the radius of the longest path visualized,
    in Angstroms."""
    self.spline_smoothness: float = 0.01
    """The paths are represented by splines connecting the nodes. This parameter
    indicates the smoothness of the splines. Smaller values produce smoother
    splines, but take longer to render."""
    self.vmd_resolution: int = 6
    """When visualizing in VMD, a number of cylinders and spheres are drawn.
    This parameter specifies the resolution to use."""
    self.node_sphere_radius: float = 1.0
    """When visualizing in VMD, a number of cylinders and spheres are drawn.
    This parameter specifies the resolution to use."""
    self.shortest_path_r: float = 0.0
    """The color of the shortest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
    specifies the R value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
    self.shortest_path_g: float = 0.0
    """The color of the shortest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
    specifies the G value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
    self.shortest_path_b: float = 0.0
    """The color of the shortest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
    specifies the B value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
    self.longest_path_r: float = 0.0
    """The color of the longest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
    specifies the R value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
    self.longest_path_g: float = 0.0
    """The color of the longest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
    specifies the G value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
    self.longest_path_b: float = 0.0
    """The color of the longest path is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
    specifies the B value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
    self.node_sphere_r: float = 0.0
    """The color of the node spheres is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
    specifies the R value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
    self.node_sphere_g: float = 0.0
    """The color of the node spheres is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
    specifies the G value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
    self.node_sphere_b: float = 0.0
    """The color of the node spheres is given by an RGB color code. This parameter
    specifies the B value, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0."""
    self.longest_path_opacity: float = 1.0
    """The opacity of the longest path, ranging from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0
    (fully opaque)."""
    self.shortest_path_opacity: float = 1.0
    """The opacity of the shortest path, ranging from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0
    (fully opaque)."""
    self.node_sphere_opacity: float = 1.0
    """The opacity of the node spheres, ranging from 0.0 (transparent) to
    1.0 (fully opaque)."""

    if isinstance(yaml_paths, str):
        yaml_paths = [yaml_paths]
    if yaml_paths is not None:
        for yaml_path in yaml_paths:


Load context information from a YAML file. This will only update data contained in the YAML file.


Name Type Description Default
yaml_path str | None

Path to YAML file to load.

Source code in wisp/
def from_yaml(self, yaml_path: str | None) -> None:
    """Load context information from a YAML file. This will only update data
    contained in the YAML file.

        yaml_path: Path to YAML file to load.
    if yaml_path is not None:"Loading YAML context from {}", yaml_path)
        yaml = YAML(typ="safe")
        with open(yaml_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
            yaml_data = yaml.load(f)
        logger.debug("YAML data:\n{}", yaml_data)
    self.yaml_path = yaml_path


Retrieve the context.


Type Description
dict[str, Any]

A dictionary representing the current context.

Source code in wisp/
def get(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Retrieve the context.

        A dictionary representing the current context.
    # The following line filters methods and attributes like __dict__.
    context = {
        k: v for k, v in vars(self).items() if not callable(v) and "__" not in k
    logger.debug("Retrieved context:\n{}", context)
    return context


Update attributes with values from the provided dictionary.


Name Type Description Default
attr_dict MutableMapping[str, Any]

Dictionary containing attribute names and their

Source code in wisp/
def update(self, attr_dict: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Update attributes with values from the provided dictionary.

        attr_dict: Dictionary containing attribute names and their
        corresponding values.
    logger.debug("Updating context:\n{}", attr_dict)
    for key, value in attr_dict.items():
        setattr(self, key, value)
    return self.get()